Hey guys. Better later than never.
About a month ago the CSM arrived at Iceland in order to bring on the community’s issues to CCP. It took a while for the minutes to be posted, but they are finally here.
Many hours were spent in a small meeting-room filled with senior CCP people, press and spectators from CCP walking around the cage(But they were informed not to feed the animals, I hear) and a considerable amount of issues were discussed.
The issues were very diverse, everything from shares to black ops battleships. A few carebear tears were shed from a CCP employees eyes(You know whom you are!), but in most of the cases CCP and CSM came to a reasonable agreement. Though a lot of promises weren’t made, we got an idea of what CCP wanted to do.
Sadly, not everything suggested by CSM was possible. In a number(Large number too!), the software department simply had to tell us that this change was not possible due to how the game works. Oh well, that is a shame, but at least we tried.
On the last day before the crew went home, the last day of meetings, a priority list was made over all the issues. The prioritization was based on CCP’s feedback on how easy it was to do, how many people it would affect and how long time it would take. It was by no means easy, but eventually we came to a list which could be agreed on by a majority of the council.
So it’s now possible to go ahead and read the minutes right here. These are not the complete transcripts of what happened though. So I created a thread which talked about all the industry issues, right here!
I need some feedback on contracts and stockmarket. Please help me out by posting your ideas!
But the council is now getting back in our normal schedule of having weekly meetings. This means we need YOUR feedback on issues. If you have an issue you want CSM to bring up, maybe you agree with some of the other issues? Head over the the forums and look for the assembly hall and post to your hearths content.
In a months time we will be chatting to CCP about this next batch of issues. So get yours in today!
I will see you all on the forum!