At first I thought: whoa, CCP announcing Fanfest early, what the hell? But CCP is ever-sneaky…
The next EVE Online Fanfest will be held on March 24 through March 26, 2011 at the Laugardalshöll Convention Center in Reykjavik, Iceland.
The change of dates will probably be well-received by most people, especially for those of us in the IT industry who now have an excuse to be out of the country during March Madness.
I guess now that we all have a year to plan our trips there’s no excuse for anyone, right? I’m curious how many folks are going to find a way out of this though. Really, it’s a blast, so I highly recommend people make an effort. You don’t even have to be some ultra-hardcore EVE zealot, Iceland’s a really cool place to visit.
Now even more so, since they’re totally smoking out Europe.